15 March 2010


a car helps the victim , be an automobile that modified upward for use in victim assistance , which , have give can see generally , in almost every a city will like to to have a car rescues to wait for help who have an accident , which , an accident will that happen to like to different go to follow the area and the situation , and who have an accident like to to want the assistance hastily , then necessary to must have a tool and an automobile at can enter to arrive at the place where can have an accident quickly , loud in a picture that see to is a car helps the victim who was designed come to for specially use in take action in 3 borderland South province of Thailand , because of , doer unrest events or , the rebellion still make trouble to give with residence people is in 3 province areas in the South of Thailand , such as , introverting shoots the police , soldier , and , civil , bombing , tree slitting obstructs the road for lures an officer , police , a soldier then to ambush with bombing or , introvert shoot , enterring hindrance helps who receive wounded with all way such as , road drilling for bomb , tree slitting obstructs the road , nail strewing areas the road , for building hardship to an officer who the gratitude gives victim assistance , thus then have the analysis searches an automobile that has special equipment adds the efficiency in the work goes up , such as , the equipment sweeps jumble nail on road cuts that telephone perception and radio signal for protect stirring up the troubles burst with a telephone and radio signal , saw for use in tree slitting that fall to obstruct the road , and still have the equipment helps at other necessary a lot of again , which , can count that , be good remedy has in the one level and that admirable are with regard to are the invention upward for help the fellowman , not build cull upward for human destruction , although , in nowadays the events in 3 borderland South of Thailand province still has killing odor , but , still have the warmth from lead the mind that waits for to help of the fellowman is hiding and doingnot abandon of Thai people all along ,

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