31 January 2010

Musical instrument

feel brave , encourage the mind gives Ha! brave , soar accompany the sound of music that play , in sometimes the music , make us feels sad , lonely and lonesome , be amazing at sound wave is born from the musical instrument , will send the influence builds [ wasp ] the feeling is proportionate that , there is the saying from one your philosopher , deliver a speech keep that ,  , which class has no the music in the heart , like to to strange person , which , get difficult , because , even animal , as a result , still like the sound of music , there is a person tells that musical first last instrument of a human is two a hand of a human there , but ,  , I think , mouth , should musical first instrument of a human more than , and the sound that a human shines to come out , change with the think which , fix with the brain , assemble rhythmically the sound , with tall waves penetrates , become sound which , can various the sound and can imitate the sound various like [ model ] ,  , in the time later , when , the Manu knows location thing around that , there is that make power can is born waves , and have the sound wave that export to come to tall penetrate is opposite , then get bring apply and have designing is the musical instrument that have sound different wave go out , different character go out , which , depend on who want to build that ,  , want how is musical that instrument has a voice ? , in now the musical instrument abounds to measure many the format , and at important in the age , informational technology , the computer has come in to have important role in building culls the sound of music , until make the people changes one's mind to like to listen the sound of music that the origin with the computer , until forget that ,  , what is musical base instrument has ? ? , how is musical each instrument gively the sound ? , but , however , I am that ,  , the playing music by use the musical instrument like [ model ] , origin , as a result , give sweet-sounding sound , be charming , and difficult to copy get like in every the part ,


time , since , time ancient come to , a human has discovered that ,  , the time is the thing but [ T letter ] , a human will not may can stop , although , how is a human tries to behave against time ? , not might win immediately [ Ok ] , the time has will only to walk go to in front of and not may walk can get back to the back , each person likely in the time is opposite which , depend on that ,  , ? will pilfer a chance has in the time more than , since , ourselves begin , be born in the womb , god , begin set the time , human life depends on the ( grounds/spring ) , a clock of a god , stop or , will walk depend on the ( grounds/spring ) which turn to take keep , when , a clock stops to walk us , stop breathe , thus then nobody knows that , ( grounds/spring ) , how much is a clock of a god stamps to give us each person ? ? , we will should do for what , we want to do ( lose/go dead ) , don't get have should wait for the time , because ,  , the time will never to wait for us , if , we do fame our goodness , remain No, Your Excellency exhaust follow the time and have only culling in ourselves , if , we do evil , be famous at No, Your Excellency exhaust follow the time also , but ,  , cursing , follow come to neverending until , long ago equal long ago , when , be likely while , we unknow that , will gradually disappear ? , you should start to do for what , you choose , neither make good thing or , do evil right of your everybody ownership ,


the work molds , be the sculpture that do to upward beautifully , by a human who is a memr of the arts and love the art , the work molds each must change both of strength inner strength devotion , tolerance , persistence , be industrious , for , the works comes out good have the outstanding , be especial identity of each person but [ T letter ] , want mass media discharges to come to different go to in each , which , individual receiver will may have the understanding in mass media that expresses can come to different go to follow the feeling within of individual , cause worth different assessment go to ? in place some , a chance and the time , if , we admire then , should wander that ,  , why , stone , the sand is these , when , receive a chance changes something procedure , then make , praiseworthy dote on be that love extremely , if , how much is No, Your Excellency change building has from an artist already willworthy a little very ? , there is person one ? will watch to admire or not , as if , The that , like with , varied that look over go to which , might have the attractive for loves and the worth hide to keep with farm advantage count the points , if , bring discipline with , highest rank sculptor , change the attempt endures , augment with body power and the heart , distill accuse and the process for being an artist for build to cull that arts might bring about best sculpture are top worldly grade all right ,


many thing buildings are varied , since , in the past until nowadays , the something still is the puzzle , that , how is the cause and effect of building ? , or , compose what is the purpose ? , but , that make our thing is great , if , intend to do an anything , often do well and hide with great power that cymbals go to with the beauty , The great , and , residence hammering puzzle something , that ,  , to almost miss admire No, Your Excellency that ,  , a human in the past , do any , with ? , bring about these wonder , make the new generation must investigate to grab , reveal the puzzle , that ,  , what is a human in the past thinks ? , want what is mass media arrives at ? , which way is repairing puzzle with ? , then can understand and bring correct in now ,

Believe in

 are you know ? neither , more arrive ( in/at ) nowadays , a human has changed varied evolution will come to with the hardship and almost can not , if , without this thing , " , believe in " , which , there is prevent stay in every people human and include every the lineage , with regard to what is a human will build ? upwards to wash type , as a result , all must have believe in happen come to before , and when , have combination are the staff and the group have the faith that persist in same thing , power has believed in then initiate the civilization and great sculpture , with the format and outstanding idea of each the lineage and building cull of the sculptor , bring about civilization accident immortal mightiness that remain from now on , 

30 January 2010


สิ่งก่อสร้างหลายๆสิ่งหลายอย่าง นับตั้งแต่ในอดีตกาลจวบจน ณ.ปัจจุบันกาลนี้ บางสิ่งยังคงเป็นปริศนา ว่าเหตุและผลของการสร้างเป็นอย่างไร หรือประกอบด้วยอุปสงค์อะไร แต่สิ่งที่ทำให้เราได้กระจ่างชัดในจิตใจว่า ความเพียรพยายามของมนุษย์นั้นยิ่งใหญ่ หากตั้งใจทำสิ่งใด มักกระทำได้ดีและแฝงด้วยพลังอันยิ่งใหญ่ที่ฉาบไปด้วยความงดงาม อลังการ และ คติที่อาศัยการตีความ ซึ่งแทบที่จะอดชื่นชมมิได้ว่า มนุษย์ในอดีต กระทำการใด ด้วยวิธีไหน นำมาซึ่งสิ่งมหัศจรรย์เหล่านี้ อุปมาดังการเคลื่อนย้ายภูเขาด้วยเวทย์มนต์  ขัดเกลาด้วยสายลม แล้วให้ปถุชนรุ่นหลังเสาะสืบค้นคว้า ไขปริศนา มนุษย์ในอดีต คิดอะไร ต้องการสื่อถึงอะไร การตีความด้วยวิธีไหน จึงสามารถเข้าใจและนำอดีตมาแก้ไขในปัจจุบัน

25 January 2010

ท่านรู้รึไม่ว่า กว่าจะมาถึงปัจจุบันนี้ มนุษย์ได้ผ่านวิวัฒนาการหลายสิ่งหลายอย่างมาด้วยความยากลำบากและแทบจะทำไม่ได้ หากปราศจากสิ่งนี้ "ศรัทธา" ซึ่งมีกันอยู่ในมนุษย์ทุกผู้คนและรวมถึงทุกเผ่าพันธุ์ การที่มนุษย์จะสร้างอะไรขึ้นมาซักอย่าง ก็ล้วนแล้วแต่ต้องมีศรัทธาเกิดขึ้นมาก่อน และเมื่อได้มีการรวมตัวกันเป็นหมู่คณะและกลุ่มมีความศรัทธาที่ยึดมั่นในสิ่งเดียวกัน พลังแห่งศรัทธาจึงได้ก่อเกิดอารยธรรมและประติมากรรมอันยิ่งใหญ่ ด้วยรูปแบบและแนวคิดที่โดดเด่นของแต่ละเผ่าพันธุ์และการสร้างสรรของประติมากรณ์ นำมาซึ่งความยิ่งใหญ่แห่งอารยธรรมอันเป็นอมตะที่คงอยู่สืบไป