29 October 2010

Thai baht

25 coins are satang , be a coin of baht monetary , at use in Thailand , the front is picture of the king picture , of His Majesty the King King Bhumipol Aduldej of Thailand , the rear is a picture of , Buddha's pagoda relics , relic of Buddha temple smokes to seek a temple , put into practice for the first time in year , a Buddhist Era is 2530
50 coins are satang , be a coin of baht monetary , at use in Thailand , the front is picture of the king picture , of His Majesty the King King Bhumipol Aduldej of Thailand , the rear is a picture of , Buddha's pagoda relics , relic of Buddha temple smokes to seek a temple , put into practice for the first time in year , a Buddhist Era is 2530
1 coin is baht , be a coin of baht monetary , at use in Thailand , a coin circulates 1 price baht kind in the group now has the front is picture of the king picture , His Majesty the King King Bhumipol Aduldej of Thailand , the rear is a picture of , glory night pagoda monk , Temple of the Emerald Buddha , the notice puts into practice when , date 8 August , 2529 Buddhist Eras in year , 2552 Buddhist Treasury Department Eras have adjusted the design s of a coin , and change the metal that use to produce 1 baht coin , be entrails iron metal dips mischievous , the weight of a coin is down are 3.00 a gram , from originally 3.40 a gram , by still have the thick size and a diameter are the same [1] , the change aforementioned in the distance at first doesn't be acknowledged of many people extremely , and new model this coin still can not apply to the cabinet has droped a coin generally , cause the informed sources that , might FALSE coin
5 coins are baht , be a coin of baht monetary , at use in Thailand , the front is picture of the king picture of , His Majesty the King King Bhumipol Aduldej of Thailand , the rear is a picture of , Buddhist Marble Temple temple , put into practice for the first time in year , a Buddhist Era is 2531 ,
10 coins are baht , be a coin of baht monetary , at use in Thailand , the front of a coin is picture of the king picture of , His Majesty the King King Bhumipol Aduldej of Thailand , rear part is a picture of , pagoda Arunwaram Temple monk , put into practice the circulating fund for the first time in year , 2531 Buddhist Eras by produce to are two metal color coin s replace using paper money 10 baht prices , that get cancel go to already ,

dominant feature , for the dot observes that , be paper TRUE money , have as follows , paper color , The white , watermark , picture of the king , lead put into practice , date 20 September , 2523 Buddhist Eras are notice , at , date 5 September , 2523 Buddhist Eras are size , wide 6.9 centimeter , long 13.2 centimeter , the fiber is clear , The orange , print size miniature letter , the word is that ,  , " , Thailand is " , chairman front picture , picture of the feet majesty king , present reign king , extra-ingredient like [ model ] , supreme commander , chairman rear picture , statue of a feet His majesty king contains Chom king Klao , King Chulalongkorn , model from a monk smokes a fungus feels numb , at , ( grounds/spring royal palace Dusit )

dominant feature , for the dot observes that , be paper TRUE money , have as follows , paper color , The white , watermark , picture of the king , notice , at , date 2 November , 2524 Buddhist Eras lead to put into practice , date 28 December , 2524 Buddhist Eras are size , wide 7.2 centimeter , long 13.8 centimeter , the fiber is clear , The yellow , print size miniature letter , the word is that ,  , " , Thailand is " , chairman front picture , picture of the feet majesty king , present reign king , extra-ingredient like [ model ] , supreme commander , chairman rear picture , statue of a His majesty god Taksin the Great king , model from a monk smokes a fungus feels numb oval young , at , public field park is old-fashioned , Amphur Mueng ,
Chanthaburi province
chairman front picture , a monk smokes bolt His Majesty the King alias , extra-ingredient like [ model ] , supreme commander , chairman rear picture , a monk smokes a fungus feels numb oval young His majesty Chom Klao king feet , at , science Technology ministry and the environment , and the great pagoda , Nakhornpathom province , 7.20 x 14.40 sizes are centimeter , day the notice puts into practice , date 19 March 2547 pay exchange , date 1 October 2547 ,
100 paper moneys are baht , be the paper money of baht monetary , begin put into practice in Thailand since ,  , 100 2445 Buddhist paper money baht Eras are thatting use in now are paper Thai money like [ model ] , at 15 paper in memory of money concerns in 100 anniversary chances year , paper Thai money , put into practice when , 2 September , 2545 Buddhist Eras have 105 wide millimeter sizes , long 165 a millimeter , the front is picture of the king picture of His Majesty the King King Bhumipol Aduldej of Thailand , and His majesty feet contains Chom king Klao
color character , : , print insert a color joins stripes , a color generally go out violet , size , : , wide 72 a millimeter , long 156 a millimeter , generality , : , chairman front picture , be monk picture smokes bolt His Majesty the King alias , present reign , extra-ingredient like [ model ] , supreme picture chairman rear commander , be monk picture smokes a fungus feels numb oval young His majesty feet sits to wear hair in a bun or coil a king , the character protects counterfeiting , :- , the strip [ zone ] is silver , : , seal keep follow the width on paper money front , within have alphabet royal monogram brand , . , the graduate of theology reign , and 500 Thai numbers , by alphabet royal monogram brand , . , the graduate of theology reign , 500 Thai numbers , and other element , which , be behind , change color reflect glittering when , turn the paper money back and forth , the number hides , : , stay direction left corner front below , by hide stay in stripes invents corner round rectangle , when , be slant [ lean ] the paper money meets the light , by stare change from the corner below the left meets , paper money center will appear 500 numbers , the system prints the heel swells , : , the bearings prints the heel swells the front for example ,  , a monk smokes bolt number uncle alias breaks off chest price right last corner frog on , the word is that ,  , Thai government , the paper money is money that can repay according to law , and , five hundred a baht , ink prints special , : , at 500 numbers will see to are green , when , turn the edge below the paper money will go up to see is violet , watermark , : , monk watermark smokes bolt feet His majesty alias yes , stay present reign head and picture stripes name of a Thai design watermark , which , there is the transparency specially , stay in free white area is close right side edge , the fiber FALSE , : , metal color , ( , grey ) , hide keep follow the width of the paper money , by have the some part of the fiber appears see sporadically at the rear of the paper money , within have the word that , 500 a baht , BAHT ,  , The small-sized , can read get bilateral a side when , lift the paper money , go up shine see with the light , the composite picture is same , : , stripes Gardenia eyes front picture and the rear are in same just enough position , when , lift shine see with the light , will see Gardenia eyes completed picture , the special properties is which , appear beneath the ultraviolet , : 1. , the fiber fluorescents in paper meat , see fluorescent be red , The yellow , and blue 2. ground green stripes , print with special ink , will become green fluorescent 3. alphabet category and Thai number and alphabet Roman category and uncle number break off to print with ink print red special , become orange fluorescent , for 500 paper kind price baht moneys , like [ model ] , that use in now , still the paper money that use can repay according to law ,
in graduate in Buddhist auspicious crow theology that His Majesty the King shape thrives 6 ages s round , (72 , year ) , in on (day) 5 December 2542 for announce prestige monk , and power as a result of accumulated merit monk who shape reigns by virtues of the king still happy advantage random to seek bump against member Siam in , seekly most No, Your Excellency , Bank of Thailand , then get share celebrate in important this occasion , by present a fungus worships with the specification puts into practice paper in memory of money , 1000 price baht kinds , the amount 9,999,999,999 whole , by invoke symbol brand , the work glorifies His Majesty the King , concern in state ceremony graduate in Buddhist theology auspicious chance , celebrate the king's or queen's birthday anniversa 6 round 5 December 2542 print on the front , and fix put into practice the paper money , circulate normally in the same day , by invoke fungus seal of office monk , permanent His Majesty His Majesty the King , print instead of symbol brand

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